SIM recognizes the fundamental role that companies play in building a greener and more sustainable future. In this regard, we have obtained the ISO 14001 : 20015 ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION IN MANAGEMENT AND EVENT IMPLEMENTATION .


In our activity, we seek to establish guidelines and practices that promote the protection and preservation of the environment. These aspects are reflected in SIM's Environmental Sustainability Policy, which covers the following commitments in the management of events:


  1. Fulfilling applicable compliance obligations related to our activity


  1. Pollution prevention through the adoption of good environmental practices including:

  • Proper waste management

    • Reduce, reuse and recycle materials whenever possible.

    • Minimize the use of disposable materials and encouraging the use of recyclable or biodegradable products and packaging.

  • Efficient Energy Use

    • SIM is the Iberian representative of Ice-World, the market leader in ice rink assembly and operation. With the use of this patented system, our indoor and outdoor ice rinks spend 40% less energy.

    • Choose event venues with proficient energy usage


  • Selection of "green" suppliers

    • Prioritize the hiring of suppliers who align with these principles and adopt sustainable practices in their operations.


  • Education and awareness

    • Promote environmental awareness and encourage the active participation of stakeholders(clients, staff, suppliers...) in reducing the environmental impact of events.


  1. Continuously improve our Management System and environmental performance


Although SIM is not directly responsible for energy supply and consumption, SIM it is evaluating the possibility of offsetting the energy used in the logistics and event and production of its events, as well as compensating offsetting  for generated carbon emissions generated, through sustainable measures, such as planting trees, investment in renewable energy projects or the purchasing carbon credits.